Diagramm beschreiben englisch pdf files

The pie chart illustrates in percentage terms, what youngsters think is the most negative aspect of a teenagers life in germany. Namensnennungweitergabe unter gleichen bedingungen 3. Look at the bar chart, question and sample answer and do the exercises to improve your writing skills. Writing about a bar chart learnenglish teens british. Englisch phrasen wissenschaftlich grafiken, bilder. Learn the translation for diagramm in leo s english. Diagramme beschreiben im englischen englischhilfen. In einer facharbeit ein schaubild zitieren wikihow. Learnwell oy professional language training and translation services include. Anders als bei einem text gibt es keine einheitliche leserichtung. A line i n the graph is cr eated for each input, and you must have at least 2 in puts to generate th is graph. The pie chart depicts, that the section few restrictions had exactly the same percentage as the section none. Analysing graphs, diagrams and statistics schritt fur schritt.

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