Integrated weed management in sugarcane pdf

Integrated weed management studies in sugarcane ratoon. The technology, contr olled all types of weed in sugarcane field. Creating an integrated weed management plan a handbook for owners and managers of lands with natural values caring for the land series volume iv march 2000 colorado. Getting rid of weeds through integrated weed management. Results and discussion in the experimental field, cyperus rotundus. For landowners and managers with no or relatively little weed management experience, we have endeavored to present information regarding the philosophy and practice of weed management in a chronological fashion which will lead you through the process of developing and implementing an effective weed management plan for your lands. Result revealed that all the weed management practices had a significant effect on growth and yield of sugarcane. Krishnaprabu department of agronomy, faculty of agriculture, annamalai university, annamalainagar608002. There is a need to combine herbicide and nonherbicide methods into an integrated control program. Integra ted weed management technology produced 79 tha cane yield with inr 52530ha net return which w ere 30 and 48%. In this context it also includes integrated weed management iwm as a component of ipm. This manual is a precise account of various theoretical aspects of weed management presented in a simple language suitable for agron 503 students. Integrated weed management iwm is a strategy for weed control that considers the use of all available weed control techniques, including preventative measures, monitoring, crop rotations, tillage, crop competition, herbicide rotation, herbicide mixtures, biological controls, nutrition, irrigation, burning, etc. Weed infestations can cause anywhere from a 12% to 72% reduction in the yield of.

Iwm does not solely rely upon herbicides for weed control. Integrated weed management iwm integrated weed management, therefore, focuses on the control of sugarcane weeds through judicious use of mechanical, cultural, biological and chemical methods at different stages of weed and crop growth to get the effective and economical results. Canegrubs, larvae of a complex of endemic melolonthine scarabs, are the key pests in australian sugarcane. Integrated weed management when the use of a herbicide is required argos herbicide should be integrated into an overall weed pest management strategy. To monitor the occurrence of new weed problems and to evaluate management options. Integrated management of bermudagrass cynodon dactylon in.

Identify the soil type seek advice or refer to local soilspecific nutrient management guidelines for sugarcane production. Introduction sugarcane crop faces tough competition with weeds between 60 to 120 days of its planting which causes heavy reduction in cane yield ranging from 4067% chauhan and srivastava 2002. Steven mirsky, research ecologist at the usdaars, md, explains what grow members learned regarding harvest weed seed control and precision farming on a recent trip to australia. Integrated weed management 112 croplife international. Jan 04, 2018 weed management in sugarcane, or in any crops, plays a huge role in the maximization of ones crop production. Integrated weed management programs require longterm planning, knowledge of a weed s biology and ecology and appropriate weed control methods. To develop effective and economical management programs for the major weed problems in louisiana sugarcane. Integrated weed management in sugarcane saccharum officinarum plant ratoon cropping system. Integrated weed management department of primary industries.

Weed control through herbicides pays in sugarcane source. Integrated pest management ipm can be defined as the method of cultivation which considers all the factors that can provide to the plant efficient use of environmental resources and higher and better production. Hoe and hand weed on the 15th and 30th day of sowing and remove the weeds. Weed management in sugarcane, or in any crops, plays a huge role in the maximization of ones crop production. This minimises the potential for weeds to set seed in all crop phases and therefore reduces the weed seedbank. Field investigations were carried out during 200912 at ladhowal centre of punjab agricultural university, ludhiana to develop effective methods of weed control for sustainable sugarcane production in subtropical india. Identify residual products which could be used on this soil for identified weed species. Integrated weed management of creeping grasses in sugarcane. Integrated weed management strategies for sugarcane. Integrated weed management iwm incorporates a growers. It includes management of the weeds in a way that the crop sustains its production potential without being harmed by the weeds. Appropriate crop rotation, tillage practices, and cover crops 4. Integrated weed management practices on ratoon and associated weeds in sugarcane 2011 to statistical analysis. The technology, controlled all types of weed in sugarcane field.

Integrated weed management iwm is being practiced by indian farmers, with the level of adoption varying from one. Weeds reduce yields by competing with crops for water, nutrients and sunlight and may directly. Ch28 terms control tactic strategy plan scale field field farm page 9. Common practices known to reduce weed development tillage, crop competition and herbicide use should be followed wherever possible. Integrated weed management is defined in a range of ways, but, at its core, is the idea that many different weed management tools be used, in an integrated way, to manage weeds. In the early 1990s, following the withdrawal of organochlorines, the australian sugarcane industry faced a crisis with increasing canegrub damage. Integrated weed management odero 2017 describes integrated weed management iwm as using numerous alternative weed control measures, including cultural, mechanical, biological, and chemical options while maintaining economical yields and reducing reliance on a single control option. A comprehensive integrated pest management strategy was developed on the basis of research on a wide range of topics such as basic taxonomy. Successful weed management requires identifying relevant species and understanding their biological characteristics so that management can be tailored to the weeds.

Importance of weed management in sugarcane saccharum. Suitable choice of mechanical, biological, and chemical weed control methods 5. Choosing the right strategy will result in effective weed control and minimise offfarm impacts. Tillage frequencies included conventional four tillage operations per season, reduced two tillage operations, and notill. Appropriate planting patternsspacing and optimal plant density, improved timing, placement, and amount of nutrient application 3. Weed control is an essential part of all crop production systems. The development of integrated weed management strategies requires knowledge of mechanisms that influence compositional changes in weed flora. Integrated management of sugarcane whitegrubs in australia. Consider the possible environmental impact timing of application. When possible, apply as a directed spray beneath the sugarcane canopy especially when used at higher rates. To evaluate economic implications of soybean production in fallowed sugarcane fields and to determine the residual effect of soybean herbicides on the succeeding sugarcane crop. Management of weeds for sustainable sugarcane production in. Study conducted at ccs haryana agricultural univeristy regional research station, uchani, karnal.

Pdf integrated weed management for sugarcane saccharum. Weed management is an important component of plant protection improving the production potential of crops. On the basis of 3 years data it is concluded that to keep sugarcane weed free for first 34 months, an integrated weed management practice, viz application of hexazinone 46. Integrated weed management in sugarcane gamaya blog medium. Effect of weed management practices on sugarcane ratoon. Importance of weed management in sugarcane s nijalingappa. Dec 04, 2014 integrated weed management iwm approach aims at minimizing the residue problem in plant, soil, air and water. Integrated weed management iwm is a system for managing weeds over the long term, particularly the management and minimisation of herbicide resistance. Integrated weed management is the coordinated use of a variety of control methods, reducing reliance on herbicides alone, and increasing the chances of successful control or eradication. Integrated weed management weed management in sugarcane manual 06 iwm allows a range of costeffective management techniques to be used in sequence to effectively control weeds in an environmentally responsible manner.

Integrated weed management in sugarcane gamaya blog. A success story sugarcane being a long duration and widely spaced 60 to 90 cm row distance crop provides an ample opportunity for several weeds to grow in vacant space, right. The healthy crop stand is primary to any weed management programme in sugarcane. To develop integrated farming system models for small and marginal farmers. In weak and gappy cane adequate weed control is hard to achieve. A chemical program for weed control can help louisiana growers produce maximum yields of sugarcane when combined with sound agronomic practices such as timely cultivation, selection of adapted varieties, proper fertilization, and disease and insect.

Proceedings of an indian society of weed science international symposium, hisar, india, 1820 november 1993. Integrated weed management approach based on critical period of crop weed. The newer formulations of dicamba require the use of nozzlespressure that produce. Chemical control, herbicides, sugarcane ratoon, weed management. Effect of mulching and volume of glyphosate spray on the control of tigergrass saccharum spontaneum l. Choosing the right strategy will result in effective weed control and minimise off farm impacts. An iwm involves the utilization of a combination of mechanical, chemical and cultural practices of weed management in a planned sequence, so designed as not to affect the ecosystem. One way to conceptualize integrated weed management is overlapping the four sciencesmeans of managing weeds. What is integrated weed management iwm integrated weed management is defined as the combined use of all the methods of weed control i.

There has been a longfelt need for a teaching manual on principles and practices of weed management. Herbicides are a critical component of sugarcane weed management programs, because they provide an efficient and costeffective means of weed control. Research was conducted to compare interrow tillage practice, postharvest residue management, and herbicide placement on bermudagrass proliferation and sugarcane yield. Integrated weed management includes all practices that enhance a crops competitive ability and decrease weeds ability to reduce yield. Allow the weeds to dry for 2 3 days in the case of irrigated and then give irrigation. Raising intercrops is not found to affect the cane yield and quality. Bermudagrass is a difficult perennial weed to manage in louisiana sugarcane. In sugarcane cultivation the nature of weed problem is. Recommendations for improved weed management food and.

However, repeated use of a single herbicide or group of herbicides with the same mechanism of action can result in the development of herbicideresistant weeds. Integrated weed management technology produced 79 tha cane yield with inr 52530ha net return which were 30 and 48%. Can be applied any time after weed emergence but before the close in stage of sugarcane. Integrated weed management in sugarcane cultivation in achieving sustainable cultivation of sugarcane. Effect of tillage, cover crop and crop rotation on the. Sugarcane being a long duration and widely spaced 60 to 90 cm row distance crop provides an ample opportunity for several weeds to grow in vacant space. Integrated weed management, sugarcane ratoon, weed density and cane yield. Due to high weed pressure, weed management in direct seeded rice has been a huge challenge for the researchers and farmers as well. Study on weed control and yield of seasonal sugarcane as.

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